10 Confusing Yoga Terms: A Guide To Demystify Common Yoga Phrases For Beginners

Never feel weird in yoga class again! The 10 most common confusing yoga terms, cues and phrases explained! Find out their meaning and flow in every yoga class! Want to learn 15 more? Check out the link at the end!
A girl doing Pyramid pose and text "Demystifying Yoga Class Lingo!"

Have you ever taken a yoga class and instead of feeling relaxed you just got more stressed and overwhelmed by all the unfamiliar words? Did you spend more time trying to figure out the confusing yoga terms and phrases than on getting in tune with your own body?

Hey, you’re not alone! We’ve all been there! 

Whether you went to a new yoga studio or you’re a beginner embracing at home yoga, it’s normal to feel a little lost. But no worries!

I’m here to help and clear out some of the confusion!

Let’s demystify and explain the 10 most common confusing yoga terms, cues, and phrases every yogi needs to know to flow smoothly in every yoga class.

Let’s dive into the world of yoga lingo together, shall we?

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Confusing Yoga Terms & Phrases Explained!

1. "Your asana practice is getting stronger!"

“Hmm…  what do you mean by my “asana”? Is this good or bad?!”

Asana practice is the physical part of yoga. Each posture you practice on your mat is called an asana.

When your teacher says this, they’re praising how well you’re doing with the different poses. So, it’s a compliment! Keep up the great work, and remember, simply put, asana=pose.

2. "This class targets our Root Chakra."

“Targeting what now? I have no clue what you’re talking about. Is this class even for me?!”

Don’t panic! Yes, the class is most probably for you, assuming you don’t have any major injuries. 

In yoga, it is believed that we have one main energy channel, called Sushumna, running along our spine. Along that channel, we have 7 energy centers i.e. chakras. The Root Chakra is one of these seven, located at the very base of the spine. It’s all about feeling grounded and secure.

So, classes targeting a specific chakra include poses that wake up the energy in the specific part of your body where the chakra is located.

Simply put, chakra=energy center.

3. "Focus your Drishti on the naval!"

“Focus my what??? Can you speak normally, please?”

In yoga, we use different tricks to help us stay balanced and centered. One of these is learning to control our wandering eyes and focus on one specific spot. This focused gaze is called drishti.

When your teacher says to focus your drishti on your navel, they just mean to look at your belly button. Simple, right? 😊

So, drishti = focused gaze. Easy peasy!

Download this list + EXTRA 15 Confusing Yoga Terms for FREE!

4. "Engage your Mula Bandha!"

“Engage my what?! Do I have that? Where do I find it? Ahh, this is not for me…”

Hey, don’t give up just yet! Please!

Bandha is a Sanskrit word that means to ‘hold,’ ‘tighten,’ or ‘lock’ – it represents an energy lock. To engage a Bandha means contracting certain muscles to help regulate the flow of energy in our body.

There are 6 Bandhas: 3 major, 1 that combines those three, and 2 minor ones. The Mula Bandha is called the root lock and involves the pelvic floor muscles (like you’re holding in pee!).

Engaging your Bandhas helps you dissolve emotional blockages and bring balance to your body, mind, and soul. 

So, Bandha = energy lock = contracting muscles. You’ve got this!

5. "While here take a Gyan Mudra."

“Take what?! Was I supposed to pick up something at the beginning of class?”

Nope, you didn’t forget anything – don’t worry!

Mudras are like special poses for your hands! They have deeper meanings and can affect your whole body, helping to direct energy and enhance your practice.

Gyan Mudra is one of the most popular mudras. To do it, just touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb, forming a little circle, and keep the other three fingers straight. It’s believed to improve concentration and bring a sense of calm.

So, in the beginning, to keep it simple Mudra = hand gesture. Simple and effective, right?

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6. "Today’s class Mantra is…"

“A mantra? What’s that, and how does it fit into our yoga practice?”

No worries, I’ve got you covered!

A Mantra is a word or phrase that is usually introduced at the beginning, and repeated throughout the yoga class.

When your teacher announces a mantra for the class, they’re giving you a special word or phrase to think about or repeat as you practice. It can be something calming or inspiring, like “I am peaceful” or “I am strong.”

For a bit more details about mantras, check out the description of this post. 

So, Mantra = repeated word/phrase. Simple but meaningful! 

7. "Thank you for joining this class, Namaste!"

“Namaste? What does that even mean, and why is everyone saying it?”

Great question!

Namaste is a traditional greeting to show respect. It can be translated as “I bow to the light in you” and it’s a way to show appreciation to everyone who participated in the class.

In the description of this post, you can find more info on Namaste.

So, Namaste = “I bow to you”. So simple but heartfelt, right? 

8. "Finally, rest in Savasana."

“Savasana? Oh, is this the part where we just lay there and play dead?”

Yes and no!

Savasana, also called Corpse pose, is indeed a pose where you lay down on your back with legs and arms comfortably spread apart.

While it might seem simple, it’s a crucial part of your yoga practice. This pose allows your body and mind to absorb the benefits of your practice and leave you feeling refreshed and calm.

When your teacher invites you to rest in Savasana, they’re encouraging you to take a moment to fully relax and enjoy the peace you’ve created.

So, Savasana = a deep, relaxing rest at the end of your practice. Don’t skip it, and enjoy that peaceful moment!

9. "Let’s warm up with a few rounds of Surya Namaskar."

“Surya what? Is that something I missed in the class description? Am I the only one who doesn’t know what it is?”

No, you’re not! Especially in a beginner yoga class, Surya Namaskar sounds a bit mysterious and evokes many confused faces. 

Surya Namaskar actually means “Salute to the sun” and it’s a fixed sequence of yoga poses that flow together smoothly, like a mini routine.

I’ve done a video tutorial showing a version of how to practice Surya Namaskar here.

So, Surya Namaskar = Sun Salutation = specific yoga sequence. You’ve got this! 

10. "Take your Vinyasa."

“Take what? Was I supposed to bring something to class?”

Not at all – you’re all set!

Vinyasa is a term for a specific sequence of poses linked together, that flow seamlessly and where your movement follows your breath.

Usually, it refers to part of the Sun Salutation sequence, where you transition from Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog to Downward Facing Dog.

In short, Vinyasa = a breath-linked sequence of poses. Enjoy the flow!


Here I’ve covered 10 common yoga phrases that can be confusing for beginners.

But guess what? The list goes on!

There are even more phrases that can confuse people, even if they’ve been practicing for a while!

Want to learn about 15 more tricky yoga terms? Click the button below to download a FREE PDF with 15 extra phrases and explanations. Stop scratching your head and make your yoga practice easier and more fun!

There you have it - 10 confusing yoga terms explained!

So that’s it – your 10 common yoga terms and phrases are decoded to help you feel more confident in your practice!

Yoga can sometimes seem like it comes with its own language, making you feel a bit like an outsider.

But remember, every yogi starts somewhere, and with each class, you’ll become more familiar and comfortable with the yoga lingo.

If you’re curious about more yoga terms and want to expand your knowledge even further, don’t forget to grab your free PDF with 15 additional phrases. It’s a handy resource to make your practice smoother and more enjoyable!

And if you have some other puzzling cues you’ve heard during a yoga class that need explaining, feel free to send me an email!


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